Does Penis Size Matters?

Does Penis Size Matters?

When it comes to penis size, does it matters to women? This question is somewhat baffling and many surveys have been conducted to determine whether penis size matters or not. Unfortunately, the data in which the surveys gathered seem to be vague. Some surveys reveal it matters while others it does not matter, and while others seem to have no concerns about it. So, does it really matter?

Based on personal experience, and it’s really an opportunity to have a smaller penis and work way up to a bigger size to experience what’s the truth. The partners I’ve had are among the group of women who seem not to care about penis size, but there’s one thing they’re unanimous, it’s about performance.

Yes, performance matters, but along with the journey of penis enlargement, the results were good. And, surprisingly when the ex’es were asked about it, they seem to experience more intense orgasms and better sensation when the girth is bigger. And, asked…what did you do? Well, they can tell the difference.

On the other hand, having an oversize penis may not be good either. I know some men who are in the range of 8 and above and they have difficulty pleasing their partners. The sweet spot is really the average size according to surveys, which is between 5+ inches and 6+ inches, but below 7 inches. Based on actual experience, girth size or diameter or thickness of the penile shaft seem to be more important than overall penile length.

Women’s Health Magazine reported that women in different areas or State in the U.S. have varying preferences when it comes to length, but they seem to agree on the average size is good.

Perceived Ideal Penis Length Per State
Perceived Ideal Penis Length Per State

Therefore, if you’re below average and don’t have plans of achieving or making your penis bigger, work your way up on improving your performance by boosting your stamina, which includes avoiding and overcoming premature ejaculations. On the other hand, if you’re interested in achieving a bigger penis, there is a way of doing it naturally and non-invasive technique using PeniMasterPRO traction device.

The good news, increasing penile size is possible. Gone are the days when people are telling it’s all about genetic. Now many men including myself have been able to achieve good results with penis enlargement using a traction device and even more effective if used along with a hydro penile pump and exercises like jelqing and stretching.

There are many ways to achieve that and combining different methods into a routine makes it even more effective and enjoyable, too.

Circumcision Does Not Reduced Penile Sensitivity (Study Finds)

Circumcision Does Not Reduced Penile Sensitivity (Study Finds)

Today, circumcision remains one of the most debated medical procedures globally with each side questioning it is an unnecessary procedure which results in abuse. On the other side, supporters of the procedure depend it has health benefits associated and a right in certain religions such as the Muslims and Jewish. Throughout history, circumcision was encouraged as a means of suppressing young boys masturbating. Circumcision has been also linked to prevent and reduce penile cancer rates and avoid being vulnerable to penile infections.

Neonatal Circumcision

A new study published at the Journal of Urology re-ignited the debate regarding the subject that neonatal circumcision does not reduce the sensitivity of the penis. The scientists who conducted the study took 62 men with aged between 18 and 37 years old. Thirty of these men were circumcised and 32 were not circumcised.

The scientists then tested the sensitivity of the penis through touch, warmth detection, and pain threshold on various spots of the participants’ penises, and the found no difference between the two groups regardless of whether circumcised or non-circumcised. The scientists also tested the sexual abilities of the participants over a period of 4 weeks. Once again, the scientists who conducted the study didn’t find any difference between the two groups in terms of sex drive, overall sexual satisfaction, orgasms, and satisfaction during sexual intercourse.

According to the study’s lead author, Jennifer Bossio in a press release;

We directly tested whether circumcision is associated with a reduction in penile sensitivity by testing tactile detection, pain, warmth detection, and heat pain thresholds at multiple sites on the penis between groups of healthy (neonatally) circumcised and intact men.

This study indicates that neonatal circumcision is not associated with changes in penile sensitivity and provides preliminary evidence to suggest that the foreskin is not the most sensitive part of the penis.

In the U.K., circumcision was very common during 1948 prior to the establishment of the NHS. Circumcision accounts 1 in 3 British men during that time, but during the establishment of the NHS, circumcision is considered a non-medical procedure and costs were not covered for patients. Due to this, circumcision rates in the U.K. dropped dramatically. Today, it is estimated that only 8.5% percent of British men are circumcised.

On the other hand, many countries still consider circumcision part of hygiene and/or religious right, hence, the rate is still high. Among the countries with high circumcision rates include the United States, which accounts up to 75.5 percent of American men are circumcised.

A Smart Phone App That Can Predict Penis Size!

A Smart Phone App That Can Predict Penis Size!

There is now a smart phone app that can predict penis size. The app is called the Predicktor App. The app was developed by a family doctor from Toronto and according to him, he was inspired to do so because of his observation that more and more of his male patients regardless how healthy or successful they are express anxiety due to the size of their penis.

Watch and listen to Dr. Chris Culligan, the inventor of Predicktor App in the video below. Note that, the Predicktor app does not help you increase the size of your penis, but simply presents the facts that your size is actually normal just like the majority. On the other hand, if you want to achieve a bigger penis girth and longer length, get into using some sort of device like Penimaster PRO and combine it with penile exercises like jelqing and stretching.

If you’re on Android phone, you can download the app at Google Play repository. Blackberry users can download it here. Unfortunately, there is no version for iPhone at this time.

The app is picked up by The Doctors and discuss whether penis size matters, or not. They also cover another app for women that can calculate breast size and can see what it looks like when having the actual breast enlargement.

Note that, the app is just for fun and knowing the facts about the male anatomy. As mentioned in the past article, it is possible to increase penis size. However, of course, it depends on your choices. Know that, if you decide to do so, you have the options.